What are the Risks of Using a Portable Camping Stove?
A portable camping stove is an essential item of outdoor equipment but there are very real risks involved in their use.
All of us who have spent any time in the outdoors camping or on a bivvy will have their tales of near misses; They can tip over, leak fuel and then catch on fire, flare up and even explode. All the common camping stove fuels including meths, gas and white gas are by their very nature flammable and all have their own particular foibles and dangers. .
One often overlooked danger with stove use is malfunction due to poor construction. Consequently we recommend buying well known brands (Kovea, MSR, Jetboil etc) and beware of Chinese copies. We are big fans of the Korean made Kovea Spider stove (read our review) and the importer MercatorGear.com have written an excellent article on the risks of stove usage on their website. Read it here.

White Box Stove