Course & Dates

    Scroll to select course*

    Course Start Date*

    Personal Details

    Prior Experience & Additional Information

    Emergency Contact & Medical Details

    In case of an emergency, please provide the name and contact number of someone we may contact:

    Please state any medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements that you / your group have, any medications you / they use and anything else you feel the course staff should know:


    Please tick required payment option below

    By bank transfer (preferred method, Lloyds. Sort: 30 90 89. Acct: 2712 1660).Paypal (Payment information will be emailed).

    Please note that we cannot accept payment by cheque.

    Booking & Declaration

    Please tick to confirm you have read, understood and agree to the following statements before submitting your form:

    Medical Declaration

    I declare that the information provided above is an up to date summary of relevant medical conditions and allergies that I / my group have. If any medical issues arise before the course, I will inform Beyond the Edge as soon as possible. I also declare that I know nothing relating to my / my groups health or fitness which might prohibit me / them from taking part in the course or might jeopardise my / them or other people.

    Declaration for the Acceptance of Risk

    Beyond the Edge identifies, assesses and manages the risks associated with the delivery of all courses and activities. Instructors employed by Beyond the Edge are qualified and experienced in assessing risks and minimising them to an acceptable level, but it must be understood and accepted by participants that the risks inherent in outdoor activities cannot be completely eliminated. Participants must understand and accept the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) participation statement.

    In relation to climbing, walking and mountaineering courses, the BMC issue the following 'Participation Statement':

    The BMC recognises that climbing, hillwalking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

    Terms & Conditions

    This booking is subject to the Beyond the Edge Course Booking Terms & Conditions.

    I am aware that the course is not confirmed until I have paid a deposit OR the full course fee AND received email confirmation directly from Beyond the Edge