Mountain Training Schemes Mountain Training Qualification Courses Overview

Mountain Training qualifications delivered by one of the most experienced providers of their awards in the UK. Friendly, highly qualified and super experienced instructors to give you an enjoyable and highly informative experience. Click on the links to find out full details of the training and assessment courses.

Climbing on a indoor climbing wall whilst on a Climbing Wall Instructor assessment

Climbing Wall Instructor


A lady leading a climb on a Climbing Wall development Instructor course.

Climbing Wall Development Instructor


A rock climber on a Mountain Training instructor course nearing the top of a climb in the Peak District

Rock Climbing Instructor


A lady stares into the sunset on a Lowland Leader Course in the Peak District

Lowland Leader


Candidates on a Mountain Training Hill and Moorland Leader Course

Hill & Moorland Leader


A lone yellow tent on an Mountain Training qualification Camping Leader course

Camping Leader


A path leading upwards in the mountains

Mountain Leader


Two ladies look at a map and compass on a Mountain Training qualification course

Refresher & Reassessment Sessions